

The pages of the calendar has turned, and our dates now start with 2018, at least for those of us following ISO-8601. Still in this new year, I'm planning to keep doing my monthly lists of interesting tech-related articles to read. Starting from toda...


Even though July was a pretty quiet month online due to everybody being on vacation, I still came across some interesting articles. Earlier in the year, there was a big discussion in the PHP community after some people suggested that pretty much ever...


April is almost over, and it's time for another monthly roundup of interesting articles and links. During the month I've read some interesting articles providing a pretty good spread ranging from introductions to JavaScript tools over best practice f...


The month of march is ending, so it's time for this month's roundup of recommended reads. This month consists of 3 main topics: PHP, JavaScript and project management. Even though I work a lot with PHP there's always something new to learn. I've prev...


February is coming to a close, and it's time for a monthly round-up. Even though February is the shortest month of the year I doubt it will be the least eventful. Especially the security scene has been on fire this month, and I doubt we've seen the f...

HTTP/2 - What and why?

What is HTTP? HTTP, HyperText Transfer Protocol, is an application layer network protocol for distributing hypermedia data. It is mainly used for serving websites in HTML format for browser consumption. HTTP/2 and SPDY The newest version of HTTP is ...

Validating email senders

Email is one of the most heavily used platforms for communication online, and has been for a while. Most people using email expect that they can see the who sent the email by looking at the sender field in their email client, but in reality the Simpl...

Speciale aka. næste store projekt

Jeg har i tidens løb nævnt en række projekter af forskellig størrelse, som jeg har arbejdet på. Nu er det tid til endnu et, og det er et større et af slagsen, specialet på mit studie på DTU, og dermed afslutningen på mit studie til civilinge...

WordCamp Danmark 2011 - Dag 1

Det var som tidligere nævnt ikke min plan at deltage i dette års WordCamp, men da Lars Bachmann var så rar at trække min kommentar som vinderen af en af hans 2 udloddede billetter, var det jo bare om at komme afsted (alt andet ville da også vær...

Boganmeldelse: Trust Agents

[caption id="Trust Agents" align="alignright" width="180" caption="Chris Brogan & Julien Smith - Trust Agents cover"][/caption] Jeg har igennem et stykke tid fulgt Chris Brogan da jeg godt kan lide hans hol...

Open Source Days Community days 09 - recap og podcast

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="230" caption="Fra venstre: jlouis, jarlen, Søren, Peter Toft & Niels Kjøller"][/caption] Som nævnt i et tidligere indlæg brugte jeg det meste af min lørdag i si...